I did it! I had enough energy when I got home last night to cut the interfacing and then assemble this skirt. The pattern comes from Built By Wendy's (Wendy Mullins') book
Sew U as I've already mentioned a million times. My initial verdict? LOVE. Love love love!

The darts give this skirt a great shape. It's A-line, but not too pouf-y and not too pencil-skirt-y. It's
perfect. The facing (and interfacing) makes the waist of this skirt look so finished and professional. It's extra-flattering. It comes to just the right place above my hips but a little below my natural waist... and it helps hide the tummy that I'm starting to develop. (Too much beer, I'm sure!) It's just so...
clean. Wow. I'm definitely impressed with the way this skirt came together and am looking forward to tackling some more versions of this, plus also the other patterns in the book.

Here's a pic of what I look like today. That's a little girls' XL pleated pouf-sleeve tee from Old Navy that I got for a whopping $5. Also, today I'm sporting new earrings! They're
these from
Wicopy's Etsy shop. I ordered them last week, and I couldn't believe I had to register on Etsy. For whatever reason, I thought I'd bought stuff on Etsy before, but apparently not! I guess I just browse a lot. Anyway, they're lovely, and inexpensive, and I bought three other pairs to give as gifts.
I went to my favorite fabric shop in Boston over my lunch break and stocked up on thread and single-fold bias tape and some cotton for lining some more projects that are percolating. I think I'll take a break tonight and just hang out with Rob and watch
Project Runway. Oh yes. Right now I'm really liking
Kenley and
Leanne. Only time will tell if these ladies will go very far...
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