Another Dear Jane block to report. I've definitely been slow at getting to this lately. But I view this project as such a long one (I hope to finish by/when I'm 40, and I'm barely 27 now) that I feel it's okay. I don't want to rush it, and I certainly don't want to burn out on it.
This is block F4. I pieced it from the center out, but now realize I should've stitched the three rows and then attached the end triangles. Oh well--it turned out fine. I am still loving this hand-stitching thing. I don't know if it's a control-freak kind of issue, or just a closeness to the fabric and the quilt, or some kind of romantic notion of the way things used to be done, but it really appeals to me. It's kind of like my therapy.
Not much else to report on the crafty front. I did accomplish one bit of crafting--a belated birthday gift for my friend Hallie that I'll post later this week. Hallie, if you're reading this, it's going out today so hopefully you'll have it by the end of the week.
Other than that, we finished Deadwood, which I sort of liked and sort of didn't. I liked season three the best by far, but then it ended, so... Watching that show took up a lot of our time, so it's nice to be done with TV series for a while. Last night we watched Be Kind Rewind from our Netflix account, which has been languishing as we watched Deadwood from the library or from friends. I thought it was okay, Rob liked it a lot. I thought Son of Rambow was better, Rob didn't. Tonight looks to be Youth Without Youth, which I can't say I'm excited about, but we need to get through these Netflix, so... Inevitably there will be a good little gem in there, right? That's what happens if you watch enough movies, right? Eventually you hit on a Station Agent or Lars and the Real Girl. Or Pieces of April. Maybe we should only watch stuff with Patricia Clarkson in it; that lady is good.
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