Here's the other part of the baby shower gift I gave last Sunday (the first part was the baby booties I already posted on). It's my second go at a mobile using the Spool birdie pattern. Again, these are all sewn completely by hand, stuffed with Poly-Fil and a little bit of flax to give them some weight. The ribbons are attached to the birds with some invisible thread (in "smoke" color, so not really invisible).

For this one I went with a less scrappy theme, using all fabrics left over from the quilt I made for my parents for Christmas. I thought the colors would work well for a nursery. Instead of doing the stick thing (which was the most difficult part of assembling the first mobile), I hung these from some dowels I tied together very tightly. There are some knots at the ends of the ribbons, but I don't think they're too unsightly. I also ran a line of hot glue around each dowel, just on the outside edge of the ribbon so that the birds wouldn't slip off. I'm always interested to hear how my handmade gifts hold up over time... I sure hope this one doesn't fall apart!
Iris looks soo innocent. A~
I love what you've done with the spool birdie pattern - turning it into a mobile. I've got a baby shower coming up this May and have plans for a baby quilt. If you don't mind I just might use your idea and make one of these mobiles in addition to the quilt. I gather Iris is giving her paw of approval.
That's a really cool idea for a mobile.
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