Apologies for the lack of posting this past week or so. It has been a busy couple of days, I guess, with minimal crafting and minimal picture-taking. Also apologies for the crappy camera-phone photos today. I just wanted to share some images of things that are inspiring me this week. First is an image of my Dear Jane mug from here. I know it's a little obsessive, but I wanted to have it and I'm so glad I got it. The color is not so great and the quilt is a little blurry on the mug (and even worse in the photo above), but it's been so nice having this little reminder on my desk all day every day at the office. It will be fun to mentally fill in the squares I've completed as I get more finished.
Also inspiring me this week is Zadie Smith's On Beauty. I've had this book since it came out a couple of years ago, but I'm finally starting to read it now. I've just re-read E.M. Forster's Howards End in preparation, and it's been fun, almost gleeful, for me to see the similarities and divergences she's making from that story.
Other quick bits:
- I have had no working headphones for a week+ now, so no iPod on the commute. I really noticed it this morning when there were two rowdy pre-schoolers on my train. Ugh. NEED to get to Newbury Comics!
- Lady Scouts met on Tuesday night and we had a great time. Pictures of the fabulous mystery project to come soon. My camera battery has been low or out for the last couple of days, so that's not helping things.
- I have FINISHED the big secret family project, two and a half weeks early! Go me.
- Still working on that dress pattern, though I've decided to take a different approach. Heading to the fabric store tomorrow to get more muslin. Hoping to finalize the pattern this weekend.
- Also hoping to get a lot of crafting done this weekend. Last weekend was busy and full of allergy awfulness. I spent most of Sunday in a post-nap coma. Ugh. Not very productive. Looking to remedy that this weekend.
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