Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gloria's new clothes

Gloria's new clothes 1
This is another post that's a long time coming. I have had Gloria for a couple of months, but only just made her a quilted cover a few weeks ago. The reason for her new clothes, when she came with a perfectly good, tailored hard cover, is my new Sew Steady extension table!

Gloria + table 1
It's a little bit of an expensive splurge, but it was definitely necessary (and I did just have a birthday). I am really starting to get used to my new machine and do more work on it, but quilting with just a tiny bit of space to the front and left of the needle, even though there's that glorious ten inches to the right, is just too hard. Of course, I have put off quilting with this table yet, but it has already come in handy for piecing and pinning and measuring.

Gloria's new clothes 2
But when the table is set up with the machine (and that's what makes the most sense, because I don't know where to store that 18" x 24" table when it's not in use), the hard cover doesn't fit. The surface of the table is not equal to the surface of the bottom of the machine (duh, right?) so the hard cover kind of floats and doesn't protect much of the machine below the computer screen, especially not the space where the cords plug in. So I took an afternoon and whipped up this quilted, lined, tailored cover. It's three pieces: the top and sides are all one, and the little ends are each separate. As you can see, it fits Gloria perfectly. I first cut batting to the correct size, and then quilted fabric scraps to it using the same technique I did for my winter scarves. Easy peasy, and done in a short afternoon. I think Gloria appreciates the love, too, because she's been extra good since then and we've been getting along splendidly (knock on wood).

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