I am way behind in blogging my projects. I have plans for a big year-end what-I-made collage (mostly because I'd like to see it!) and a Dear Jane progress update, but I have so much un-blogged already... So, here's a quick run-through of some lingering non-holiday-gift projects (because those will need their own post), plus some creative goals for 2012.
1) Launch my business! As I mentioned way back here, I'm actively taking steps to launch my own Etsy shop. While I've made a lot of progress, I still have a bit to do before I can open my shop. The holiday break has really derailed that, but I'm working to get back on track. If all goes well, I hope to be up and running by Valentine's Day!
2) More softies! Related to the goal above, I'd like to develop more softie patterns and softies this year. 2011 saw my creation of my first original pattern, a hippo! I also created a giraffe, and made the whale, shown above, based on instructions posted here (with a little help from Google translate). I have more animals I'd like to draft, sew, and hopefully sell in 2012!
3) Find my audience. I did two different shows at the end of the year: one a local craft market, and one a holiday edition of the apARTment show we did over the summer. I wouldn't necessarily call them failures, but I wouldn't say either show was a raging success, either. I have various theories about why I didn't make a lot of sales, but I think increased visibility plus a better venue (Etsy) is a good start.
4) Join the community. This is something that's been bothering me for a while... I consider myself a part of the modern crafting movement (which I see as tangentially related to the 3rd wave of feminism, but that's a whole other discussion), but lately I've really just become a lurker. I'd like to change that. The reasons why I don't comment on 99% of the blog posts I read are that I'm usually at work, eating lunch and answering the phone and otherwise just swamped; I don't know that I have anything new to add; I don't think bloggers with 100+ regular commenters need to hear from me; and I'm shy. However, when I *have* overcome that shyness to interact with other bloggers, good things have happened. If you blog, please let me know! I'd love to hear from you, and make sure you're in my Reader and hearing from me!

Socialite Dress #2, in voile; still unsure about the back

1) Launch my business! As I mentioned way back here, I'm actively taking steps to launch my own Etsy shop. While I've made a lot of progress, I still have a bit to do before I can open my shop. The holiday break has really derailed that, but I'm working to get back on track. If all goes well, I hope to be up and running by Valentine's Day!
2) More softies! Related to the goal above, I'd like to develop more softie patterns and softies this year. 2011 saw my creation of my first original pattern, a hippo! I also created a giraffe, and made the whale, shown above, based on instructions posted here (with a little help from Google translate). I have more animals I'd like to draft, sew, and hopefully sell in 2012!
3) Find my audience. I did two different shows at the end of the year: one a local craft market, and one a holiday edition of the apARTment show we did over the summer. I wouldn't necessarily call them failures, but I wouldn't say either show was a raging success, either. I have various theories about why I didn't make a lot of sales, but I think increased visibility plus a better venue (Etsy) is a good start.
4) Join the community. This is something that's been bothering me for a while... I consider myself a part of the modern crafting movement (which I see as tangentially related to the 3rd wave of feminism, but that's a whole other discussion), but lately I've really just become a lurker. I'd like to change that. The reasons why I don't comment on 99% of the blog posts I read are that I'm usually at work, eating lunch and answering the phone and otherwise just swamped; I don't know that I have anything new to add; I don't think bloggers with 100+ regular commenters need to hear from me; and I'm shy. However, when I *have* overcome that shyness to interact with other bloggers, good things have happened. If you blog, please let me know! I'd love to hear from you, and make sure you're in my Reader and hearing from me!

Socialite Dress #2, in voile; still unsure about the back
5) More garment sewing! I am head-over-heels in love with everything Colette Patterns. I did a bit of garment sewing in 2011, and that's something I'd like to continue in 2012, beginning with reading the CP book and making the velveteen Peony I've been dreaming about for months...

6) More Dear Jane! This is something I really kicked into high gear this year. I am so happy that I did. I was trying to sew one block per week, with a final goal of 50 on the year, and (spoiler alert!!) I did it! I finished block 50 last night! Massive Dear Jane update to come yet, but 50+ blocks is my goal again this year.
So, that's it! What are your creative goals for the year?
I can't wait to see where your business goes! You've inspired me to get on the garment-sewing train, though I'm still terrified of patterns. But I have 364 days to figure them out!
so much to do! can't wait to see everything you accomplish this year!!
You go, girl! Love reading your goals for the new year and seeing you recent projects (all fabulous, as always!). You've inspired me to think about and set my own craft-goodness goals, as I usually get too excited to try lots of new and exciting things, then get overwhelmed by all the stuff I'm trying to do. Hmmm...
HI! My name is Gillian - I'm joining the Collette sew-along too! I really connected with this post you wrote, because I'm sorting through a lot of the same goals: start a crafty business, sew more clothes, and stop lurking! Sometimes is hard to figure out just where to carve a niche for oneself in the big craft world... but I find it helps to remind myself that it's actually a pretty small sub-culture which most people know nothing about! ;) It just seems big to me because I love it so much.
Happy sewing!
Hi Gillian! Thanks for your comment! I'm looking forward to participating in the Collette sew-along with you!
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