It's been a LONG week here, full of busy-ness at work, a little play, and lots of planning for my upcoming trip home! I think everyone is looking forward to a long weekend. That's all I could think about this morning as Rob was shaking me awake during the third round of my alarm's snooze. It sounds like a garbage truck backing up. Ugh.
So, weekend plans? We don't have much specific in mind. I have a lot of crafting I'd like to do (as always), and there are definitely errands to be run, including a trip to the quilt shop for needles and thimbles and maybe a yard of something and maybe some 1930s replicas for use in my Dear Jane? Hmm... I hope a diner trip is enough to entice Rob to join me.
The picture above was taken last week when these two books arrived in the mail for me. They are great! I'd heard a lot about how Quilter's Catalog is an excellent resource. I haven't had enough time to confirm that yet, but so far, so good! This may have to be my reading material for the plane ride (when I'm not hand-stitching my Dear Jane squares)... I've been wanting Easy Bias-Covered Curves since I saw this post on Craftster in February. Wow! I have no projects immediately in mind, but I'm definitely thinking about it...

Anyway, as promised, here are some pictures of the Lady Scout craft from last Tuesday, ten days ago already! How time flies. Most of us made the business card holders from this book out of felt. The blue one above is mine, and the green one below is my friend Jenn's, which used some extra flowers I'd already cut out.

They are so cute and easy and fun to make! And a good exercise in hand-stitching, too! They were a big hit with the Scouts, so I was glad for it.
So, drawing on the list in Monday's post, I can now cross a few things off:
- Belated Lady Scouts pictures (very few)
- Another weekend craft: fabric basket
- Crafty book shelf pics and reviews
- And hopefully some more Dear Jane progress
I don't have any DJ progress to show YET, but I did start stitching another square, C1, on Wednesday night. I am so in love with the fabrics I'm using for this project! I love these 1930s replicas.
As for my weekend crafting, I hope to:
- Finish Dear Jane block C1 and do a LOT of cutting so I have pieces ready for the airplane/my trip
- Finalize the dress pattern I've been working on (yes, it's still in the works)
- Whip up the Wasp bag from the pattern here.
- Continue making progress on the "(sort of) crazy quilt" from this book (I'm making it as a gift for a wedding that's a mere 4 weeks away!)
Wow, that's ambitious! What are your Memorial Day weekend plans?
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